Our Collective Humanity


Dear Howard University Community,

As I looked out at the graduates and their families during this year’s Commencement Convocation, I could not help but feel humbled at the scene of collective humanity encompassing Capital One Arena. The excitement and joy that binds us all together during these moments of celebration serve to highlight those details we share in common, instead of the ones that threaten to keep us splintered.

It once again brings to mind the founding of our beloved Howard University, where an understandable tension existed from the start: How does an institution educate a newly liberated population while also opening its doors to all, only a few short years after that very notion would have been impossible?

I believe the answer lies within the four core values of our University — excellence, leadership, truth, and service. While I do not want to overstate Howard’s importance across higher education, it is incontrovertible that the purpose of this institution was and still is unlike any other in the nation, and possibly the world. We can glean wisdom from elsewhere and partner with others in pursuit of a more robust university, but any and everything we do is uniquely Howard. We are the leaders and standard bearers, and that understanding shapes our thoughts and our actions.

That is why a diversity of thought is so important to Howard University’s future. Our campus has been a historic ground for free speech, many renowned orators sojourning to the Mecca because they recognized the power of our platform. We have welcomed sitting U.S. presidents from both parties and ministers from a variety of denominations, celebrated individuals who represent the gamut of our worldwide community. Even (and especially) if we disagree with a campus guest, I have seen my fellow Bison take those opportunities to engage in healthy and meaningful dialogue, hoping to reach an understanding before casting aspersions.

I have long feared that we do not know how to disagree well, but this institution always renews my faith in our collective humanity. I remain awed at this generation’s intellect, confidence, and most importantly, its compassion. These young people have the power to change our world for the better, and I could not be any happier that so many are choosing Howard University as their first step into adulthood. With them, I know our future is in good hands.

Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA
Charles R. Drew Professor of Surgery

